Our Stable State can be described as our underlying state of health that contributes to our daily sense of wellbeing. In Osteopathic terms, I list them under predisposing/causative factors and maintaining/stress factors. They play a significant part in determining each patient’s diagnosis and prognosis.
These underlying factors will have an impact on the effectiveness of treatment and prognosis whether using Osteopathy or/and FSM. The factors listed below are in no particular order of importance. 1. Age 2. Biomechanical factors: General joint instability, Intervertebral disc bulges,
3. Leg length inequalities, Muscle imbalance
4. Poor posture: Due to the above factors and de-conditioning
5. General Health: Inherited family illness
6. History of accidents, surgeries, and medications
7. Emotional Stress: work, personal
8. Allergies: Gluten and Diary are the most common
9. Nutritional: Vitamins, anti-oxidants and mineral insufficiencies,
10.Toxicity: Such as mercury from old fashioned amalgams, lead from
drinking water, air pollutants, pesticides (organic and inorganic)
11. Infections: Viruses, bacterial
12. Parasites
We need to explore, then address (where possible), these factors in order to fully restore a patient’s health to optimum levels. This can take time and understanding which requires introspection and understanding of the reality of one’s own health.
This is a constant ongoing process.
We can never really sit back and think that we have achieved optimum health. It is constantly changing for all of us. Just look at the list above and realise that it is a constant ebb and flow, a work in progress.
Below is a short list of self-help practices that contribute to achieving this desired dynamic Stable State.
This list is in no particular order as we will need to address/implement them in our own personal sequence of priority.
1. Hydration
2. Sleep hygiene
3. Spending time in nature and absorbing healthy amounts of sunshine
4. Awareness and acceptance to new ideas
5. Meditation (ie. Mindfulness, Moving meditations, Guided, Classic)
6. Consuming nutritionally beneficial foods that you know to be right for you.
7. Exercise (ie. Pilates, Yoga, Cardio, Strength Training or a combination of all of these.)